Dear Friends of the Harry Birrell Scholarship Trust,
With Christmas fast approaching I wanted to thank you all for your on-going support of our mission to provide talented but poor youngsters in Grahamstown, South Africa with life changing top quality secondary school education.
Please put in your diary for next year the evening of Thursday 1st June, when
we will be hosting a very special Jubilee dinner (21st Birthday party!) for the
Trust in the long room at Lord's. Adi Birrell, Harry's son, a pioneer of cricket
development in the townships back in the 1980s and now the Protea's no.2 coach will be with us that evening (the South Africans are touring England) and I hope many friends will be able to join us kick start our 5 year campaign to put the Trust on a strong financial footing to provide 15 children (3 in each secondary school year) with top class education in perpetuity. I am confident it will be a wonderful occasion. We will send out more details in the new year but please do save the date and tell friends too.
I also wanted to share the message from Abenathi I read out in London recently at the Trust's 20th birthday party and a Christmas message I wrote about Harry a number of years ago which I hope you will enjoy sharing with your friends and family at this special time of year.
I was asked recently to sum up in a sentence what the Harry Birrell Scholarship Trust was all about (no easy task for a loquacious chap like me!) and came up with the following... "harvesting friendship to help others less fortunate than ourselves get a quality education by which they can make a success of their lives".
Wishing you and family a very happy Christmas full of friendship.

I attach a photo of my father "Baba Roger" the charity's long serving company secretary on a recent holiday in South Africa meeting 8 of the current scholars in Grahamstown. We will have 15 children in secondary school education in 2017 as Harry Birrell Scholars which we are really pleased about and we could not do this without your support.